Other Writing by Sean Luciw

Sheet music of my original compositions:

Simple Glow is a classical guitar solo which I composed. A recorded version appeared on my first cassette recording way back in 1996-ish, and can be heard at my Reverbnation page. Or you can download the mp3 here.

Redeye Carousel is a jazzy little thing that appears on Guppy Tyke's "public enema #2" album. I wrote the chart with a calligraphy pen to emulate the style of jazz fakebooks!

Honeycombs And Snowflakes explores a unique but simple theoretical concept called the "Modal Mirror" which is described in my book "Chaos In Boxes". A recorded version appears on "public enema #2" by Guppy Tyke. I made a video for this song, which you can see here.
Some of my Haikus, and an article relating to "Chaos In Boxes", have appeared in Bollokscraft Xine.

I've also written some music reviews for earshot online:



The Music Of Artisanship And War vol. 1

Miwa Gemini

Geordie Haley


Kensington Hillbillys

The Swyves

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