ATTENTION SHREDDERS! Accelerando Metronomo, an accelerating metronome app for the practicing musician, is designed to help musicians with speed-building practice in a relatively hands-free manner. You specify two tempos, and the metronome will gradually accelerate from one tempo to the other. Besides alleviating the need to repeatedly interrupt finger exercises to increase tempo adjustments, the metronome also provides a smooth, thorough tempo experience (instead of skipping a few bpm each time a button is pressed, as a typical metronome would require). A few other features make the app very useful, such as "Wave Mode", Tap Tempo, user-selectable sounds, and choice of rhythms. Tempo range is from 20 bpm to 600 bpm. Accelerando Metronomo can also produce steady tempo like a traditional metronome.
now FREEware
ATTENTION SHREDDERS! The Accelerating Metronome alleviates the tedium of having to manually adjust the tempo setting while practicing to a metronome. You specify the Start Tempo and the End Tempo, and the Duration of the acceleration period. The Accelerating Metronome smoothly and automatically changes tempo. The on-screen controls are very simple to use; most functions can also be triggered by the keys on your computer keyboard (hotkeys). The metronome can also provide a constant tempo, like a traditional metronome.
Free VST software synthesizers created by Sean Luciw, including the Ancient Solfeggio Synthesizer VSTi.
Music Of The Spheres ver 1.1 is a cosmic emulation synthesizer. By transposing the orbital and rotational data of the planets up several octaves, we can hear the actual harmony of the Solar System.