Ulusulu Music Indie Record Label

Music Albums — Martian Tropics

Martian Tropics by Lex Plexus
artist: Lex Plexus
album (single): Martian Tropics
cat.#: ULDS-003
format: Digital Single
length: 6:21
genre: breakbeat/ drum and bass
released: June 9, 2017
sounds like: Spor, Aphex Twin, Photek

the Digital Single:

available for digital download at bandcamp, iTunes, CDBaby, Amazon MP3, Google Music Store, Spotify, Shazam, Rhapsody, etc.


I like breakbeats, bleeps, bloops, distorted flutes and reggae bass. I also like outer space and sunny days. Therefore, Martian Tropics.

track listing:

  1. Martian Tropics

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